Mindful Visualization of the Three Sages of the Land of Ultimate Bliss

Amitabha's Pure Land
4 min readApr 27, 2021


A Mindfulness Practice Taught by Sakyamuni Buddha

Three Sages of the Land of Ultimate Bliss (Image: Seven Jewels Gallery)

Mindful Visualization of the Three Sages of the Realm of Ultimate Bliss is the 13th of the sixteen visualization techniques directly extolled by Sakyamuni Buddha to Queen Vaidehi, the queen of the city of Rajagrha, some 2,500 years ago in response to her yearning for a place to be reborn that is free of afflictions and sufferings.

As Monk Dharmakara, he made forty-eight vows to help all beings in the Ten Directions. With his vows being accomplished, he became Amitabha Buddha and formed the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, an ideal land for all beings in any capabilities to learn and practice there. The purpose of being born there is to be close to Amitabha Buddha as a student and to complete one’s learning there. Once completed, one becomes a Buddha.

At the time of Queen Vaidehi, she requested Sakyamuni to teach her how to visualize such a place where she may hear no evil words, see no evil beings, and be reborn there. Among all the Buddha-lands that were revealed, the Queen chose to reborn in the Western Pure Land. That was then that Sakyamuni described the magnificent splendor of the physical features of Amitabha Buddha and the two Bodhisattvas (the Three Sages) to the queen.

By the teaching of this 13th visualization, we then have a detailed account of the miraculous physical features of the Three Sages with their auspicious and distinguishing marks reflecting their many virtues.

What’s better than learning to practice mindfulness directly from our teacher, the Buddha? Let’s dive into the words of the Buddha for the Visualization of the Three Sages.

The Buddha said to Ananda and Vaidehi,

“If you wish with a sincere mind to be born in the Western Quarter, you should first visualize a sixteen-foot image of the Buddha standing on the surface of a lake.

As I previously explained, the physical measurements of the Buddha of Immeasurable Life are boundless and are beyond the grasp of ordinary minds. But because of the power of that Tathagata’s vows fulfilled in a previous life, those who keep the Buddha in mind will, without fail, be able to perceive this body.

Simply visualizing the Buddha’s image brings one immeasurable merits; how much more so if one visualizes all the perfect physical characteristics of that Buddha?

This Buddha Amitabha, able to utilize transcendent spiritual powers at any time, can freely manifest various forms throughout the lands of the Ten directions, here appearing as a great body that fills the sky, there appearing as a small body only sixteen or eighteen feet tall. The color of these manifested figures is that of pure gold, and the miraculously created Buddhas and the jeweled lotus flowers in the surrounding circle of light are the same as I described before.

“The physical features of the Bodhisattvas Avalokitesvara and Mahasthamaprapta are the same in all respects, and sentient beings who simply visualize the features on their heads can distinguish between Avalokitesvara and Mahasthamaprapta. These two Bodhisattvas assist Buddha Amitabha in the work of universal liberation.

This is the composite visualization which is called the Thirteenth Visualization. Performing this visualization is called the right visualization. If one performs other visualizations, that is called an incorrect visualization.”

Consider it a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to come across and practice this method, as one will then achieve non-retrogression (no falling back to lower realms) to ultimately attain the Highest Perfect Enlightenment.

By the power of his forty-eight vows, Amitabha has made it possible for all sentient beings who call upon him to be reborn into the Western Pure Land, there to receive direct Dharma teachings by him, and ultimately become Buddhas in their turn. From there, these same Buddhas will return to our world to help yet more people to reborn in his Land of Ultimate Bliss.

Buddha images and Buddhist art serve to convey a feeling of calmness and reflect proper mental discipline to control over our negative emotions such as greed and fear. If anyone is interested in learning the entire sixteen visualization, one may read the full sutra text of the Visualization Sutra.

Set aside time to practice it everyday. Immerse your mind in this visualization and cultivate a pure mind with the perception of the Three Sages. Amitabha Buddha is speaking the Dharma there right now.

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Amitabha's Pure Land
Amitabha's Pure Land

Written by Amitabha's Pure Land

Mindfulness. Visualization. Amitabha’s Pure Land Dharma door for all beings: visualization-sutra.weebly.com/

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